Image illustrative de Beverly Hills, 90210
Image illustrative de Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills 90210

Brandon et Brenda Walsh viennent de quitter leur Minnesota natal pour emménager dans un luxueux quartier résidentiel de Los Angeles, le célèbre quartier de Beverly Hills. Les premiers jours sont difficiles au lycée, où ils doivent d'intégrer parmi des lycéens avec lesquels ils ont a priori peu de choses en ...

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Terminée Américaine, US 45 minutes
Drame, Soap, Drama, Family, Romance FOX (US), TF1, Fox 1990

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 10.27 - Épisode 27

Ode to Joy

David expresses his feelings for Donna by writing her a giant love note in the sand. He is understanding about her reluctance to accept his proposal. He believes that she is having trouble reconciling her dreams of the perfect marriage with reality. A talk with Janet prompts Donna to realize that her expectations have been unreasonable. She tells David that she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Dylan graduates from California University. Matt considers moving to New York to help her sister-in-law raise his child (for whom he was the surrogate father). He declares that he will stay in Los Angeles for Kelly. Kelly, unable to fight her feelings for Dylan, calls off the engagement. Matt assumes that Dylan told her about his indiscretion in the desert. Kelly lashes out at Dylan for failing to disclose this information. Janet is distressed to learn that she must compete for the editorship of Nouveau, which Yoffe had led her to believe was already hers. She feels lef

Diffusion originale : 17 mai 2000

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Diffusion française : 17 mai 2000
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Kevin Inch , Michael Lange
Scénariste.s : John Eisendrath
Guest.s : Eric Benet , Gabrielle Carteris , Hugh Jeffries , Jason Priestley , Kevin Sateri , Lenny Wolpe , Marcello Cacioppo , Ryan Thomas Brown , Scott Paetty , Tamia , Tiffani-Amber Thiessen , Tiffani Thiessen , Heidi Lenhart , Randy Spelling

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